Product Description
It's fully responsive and mobile friendly app . This template is a highly suitable React App Landing Page and it's just a better way to present your app or product.
It is very clean, powerful and easy to use. It is also highly customizable and SEO friendly. It's design by high-level professionals in order to provide the best experience to the user.
More details
It's fully responsive and mobile friendly app . This template is a highly suitable React App Landing Page and it's just a better way to present your app or product.
It is very clean, powerful and easy to use. It is also highly customizable and SEO friendly. It's design by high-level professionals in order to provide the best experience to the user.
Main Features
- Used React, Redux
- State managed by Redux
- Capable to manage REST Api call
- Used reducer and actions
- 100% Responsive and Mobile Friendly
- Homepage with 5 variations
- Inner pages 17
- Easy to customize
- Build with Bootstrap with latest version
- Clean code, well formatted code
- Clean and Modern Professional Design
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Used Google Fonts
- Themify Icon Included
- Very Smooth Transition Effects
- W3C 100% validated code
- Well Documented
- Professional Support and free updates
What you get?
- Reducers, Actions
- Home pages with 5 variations
- 17 inner pages
- Features section with variations
- Header section with variations
- Promo section with variations
- Video Promo section with variations
- About section with variations
- Price section with variations
- Testimonial section with variations
- Contact section with variations
- download section with variations
- Team section with variations
- Footer section
Included files
- HTML files
- CSS files
- JavaScript files
- Online Documentation